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Terms of Use 


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"Exxposed" or "Exxposed Agency" shall mean Exxposed Ltd.

Use of this website is governed by these Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by them each time you access the website.

The material on this website is provided purely for your information and you should seek further guidance and make independent inquiries before relying on it. Exxposed may make alterations to the website at anytime. You will be deemed to accept such alterations when you next use the website following any such alteration.

Any employment placement will be subject to Exxposed Agencies current standard employment terms and conditions.

The information on this website is updated from time to time. Whilst Exxposed Ltd has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information on this website, Exxposed makes no representations or warranties whatsoever, express or implied, as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of such information.

Exxposed may without notice modify, suspend or discontinue the website or any part of it at any time without any liability to you or any third party.

To the full extent permitted by law, Exxposed accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise (including liability for negligence), for loss or damage of any kind including without limitation, direct or indirect loss or damage, loss of business, revenue or profits, corruption or destruction of data, or any other consequential loss or damage arising out of your use or inability to use the website (or other site linked to the website) or in connection with any computer virus or system failure and Exxposed excludes any such liability even if Exxposed is expressly advised of the possibility of such damage or loss.

You will indemnify Exxposed against all costs, losses, expenses or other liabilities incurred by Exxposed arising from the use of the website by you.


Lawful Use

You will use the website for lawful purposes only.


You should note that Exxposed provides links to web sites maintained by others. Exxposed accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or legality of any content contained in such websites. The fact that you may use an Exxposed link to access other web its is not an endorsement by Exxposed Ltd of any content contained in those websites. Neither you nor any third party may link another site to the Exxposed Agency website without Exxposed Agencies prior written consent.



Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and similar rights in this web site and in all the material contained on this website belong to Exxposed Ltd. You are only permitted to copy or print extracts of the material for your own personal use. You may not use any of this material for commercial or public purposes.

Without Exxposed written permission, you may not (whether directly or indirectly including through the use of any program) create a database in an electronic or other form by downloading and storing all or any part of the pages from this website. Without the permission of Exxposed, no part of this website may be reproduced, transmitted to or stored on any other website, disseminated in any electronic or non-electronic form, or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system. Any request for such permission may be sent to Exxposed by e-mail to 


Protected Rights

Misuse or reproduction of any Exxposed trademark, service mark, logo or any other intellectual property right contained on this website is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use the website in any way which infringes, or is likely to infringe, any trademark, service mark, logo, copyright or any other intellectual property rights of Exxposed Ltd.


Changes to these Terms and Conditions

Exxposed may add to or change these Terms and Conditions from time to time. You are deemed to have accepted changed or additional Terms and Conditions when you access the website following any such change or addition.


The Accuracy of your Registration Information

You are responsible for ensuring that any information you provide to Exxposed, including your CV, is accurate, complete and your own. If Exxposed  has any reason to believe that any information you have supplied is false, inaccurate or not your own, we may may prohibit you from using this site. Exxposed is entitled, forthwith and without notice, to remove from the website any such information found to be false, inaccurate, incomplete or not your own.


Information that you post on the website

Exxposed reserves the right, at your cost, at any time to remove any material from the site which it believes to be salacious, defamatory or offensive or which Exxposed believes may be in breach of a third party's rights, such as a third party's intellectual property or confidentiality rights. You agree to indemnify Exxposed on a full and continuing basis against any loss or damage suffered or costs (including legal costs) incurred by Exxposed in defending any action brought against Exxposed ltd as a result of any information you have posted on the website.


Governing Law and Applicable Legislation

These Terms and Conditions are governed by law and you agree that the courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any matter or dispute arising out of or in connection with use of this website and these Terms and Conditions.

Use of this website may not be allowed in countries where such use may be contrary to local law or regulation. If you access information on this website it is your sole responsibility to ensure compliance with any applicable laws or regulations in any other country. Any use of this website is your responsibility and we accept no liability whatsoever in connection with such use.

Exxposed has the right at any time to terminate or suspend access to, or use of, the website where Exxposed Ltd reasonably believes you have infringed the Terms and Conditions

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